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Our Marine Environment

Tuesday, 21 de januaty de 2020

The area around Outes is characterized by the iconic rías of Spain’s northern coast. The rías are long estuaries where the saltwater of the Atlantic meets the fresh water of an inland river, creating a unique marine environment that supports a very specific range of marine life. The rías have supported fishing and shellfish gathering for thousands of years, and to this day more than 400,000 people make their livings by fishing.

We offer our guests a day-long excursion to learn about the fishing industry and marine life in the area, and of course to sample some of the results. We base our Vivir o marisqueo excursions in the Ría de Muros and Noia, one of the smaller estuaries in the Rías Baixas (lower estuaries), which are calmer and more hospitable than the forbidding Rías Altas (upper estuaries). This tucked-away estuary has long been passed over by tourists as it was accessible only by difficult back roads. Recently access has been improved with the addition of more major roads, but it remains an excellent option if you like to get off the beaten track.

The day begins with breakfast at the Centro Naútico in O Freixo, overlooking the water to watch more than 500 fishing boats set out for their day’s work. After breakfast, take a walk to watch shellfish gatherers work harvesting mussels and other mollusks. Return to the port just in time to see the fishing boats come in with their catch and to watch the fish be unloaded and categorized for market. 

By this time, you’re certain to have an appetite. Round out the experience with a meal at your choice in one of our participating local restaurants based on that day’s catch. There’s no better way to get a sense of the land and the people who live and work here.

This activity is an excellent choice if you’re staying at one of our Cabanas de Broña.

Make your reservation by calling 644787513 or by email at turismo@outes.es